Capitol Square Tour - Northeast Corner

Take the curved sidewalk toward the northeast corner of the grounds.

First Michigan Engineers & Mechanics Monument

Photo of 1912 dedication ceremony courtesy of the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library.

This monument honoring the First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics Regiment was dedicated in 1912. This regiment served in the Civil War, building roads, bridges, railroads, and communication lines. In 1863, the First Michigan Engineers built a bridge 460 feet long and 60 feet high over the Elk River in Tennessee. Using timber cut from the surrounding forest, the regiment finished the bridge in only eight days, making it one of the greatest engineering feats of the entire war.

Walk the Capitol Avenue sidewalk along the front of the Capitol Square.

Veterans Memorial

Over 1,399,000 Michigan men and women served in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. This monument dedicated to the veterans of these conflicts was unveiled on November 11, 1982, making it one of the first multi-war memorials in the country. The monument was gifted to the state by Michigan veterans organizations and constructed by Yunker Memorials of Lansing, Michigan.

Continue to walk the Capitol Avenue sidewalk along the front of the Capitol Square.

Replica Lamp Posts

When the Capitol opened in 1879, the central walkway was framed by two magnificent gas-lit lamps. The S.J. Creswell Ironworks Company, which provided much of the iron for the Capitol’s construction, built the ornate lamp posts. These replicas, based on historic photos of the original lights, were built in 2016.