Capitol Square Tour - Southeast Corner

Take a right at the Capitol Avenue sidewalk.

The Hiker Monument

(left) The Original Hiker Monument by Kitson at the University of Minnesota in 1906.

This sculpture called ‘The Hiker,’ was designed by Theo Alice Ruggles Kitson, one of the first American women to become a famous sculptor. Dedicated to the soldiers of the 1898 Spanish-American War, The Hiker became so popular that at least 50 castings of the statue were made for locations all over the country. The United Spanish War Veterans of Michigan paid for this casting, dedicated on September 15, 1946.

Continue to walk toward the southeast corner of Capitol Square.

First Michigan Sharpshooters Regiment Monument

The First Michigan Volunteer Sharpshooters regiment was formed during the Civil War and included men from all over the state who passed a marksmanship test. Company K of the regiment was made up of Native American volunteers from the Upper Peninsula. In April 1865 the Sharpshooters became famous as the first Union troops to enter Petersburg and raise their flag over the city after a nine-month siege. Surviving members of the regiment raised money for this monument in 1915.