Public Programs

Virtual Tours

In-Person Programs

Virtual Programs

The Capitol offers a wide range of both virtual and in-person tours, presentations, and programs with the aim of sharing stories about Capitol, Lansing, and Michigan history.

Tours and programs can be scheduled for groups of 10 or more people. Call us today to book a program for your school or group!

(517) 373-2353

(Click the tabs in the sections below to learn about each program!)

Programs About Architecture

Our Lovable, Laughable Capitol - A History of Capitol Modifications

Construction, Evolution, Restoration, and Renewal

Capitals & Capitols - Michigan’s Odyssey from Detroit to Lansing

Grounds & Greenery - A Design Tour of Capitol Square

A Gala Day in Lansing - The Laying of the Capitol Cornerstone

Programs About Collections

The Michigan State Capitol Photo Collection

Historic Photography 101

The Michigan State Capitol Artifact & Documents Collection

By the Yard - Michigan in Panoramic Photography

Souvenirs & Citizenship - Visitors at the Michigan State Capitol

The Michigan State Capitol Art & Portraits Collection

Programs About Flags

Save the Flags!

Conserving Michigan’s Battle Flags

To Our Country and to Its Flag - Lansing and the Civil War

The Michigan State Capitol - A Memorial to the Civil War

The Brady Flag - Michigan’s First Flag

Programs About People

A Woman’s Place is Under the Dome - The Capitol and Michigan’s Suffrage Movement

Capitol Women - Pioneering Women at Work In the Michigan State Capitol

Diversity Under the Dome - Stories of the Very Different People Brought Together by Our Capitol

Capturing the Capitol - The Photography of Lansing’s J.H. Scotford

A Capitol & Its Cameras - Michigan’s Legislative Photographers

She Won, and Won, and Won - Michigan’s Women Legislators

Born of Hope & Indigination: The Michigan Female College and the Fight for Co-education

E.E. Myers - America’s Greatest Capitol Architect

Programs for Students

An Overview of Michigan’s Three Branches of Government

A Walkthrough of the Legislative Process

Michigan Women Get the Vote!